Our Troop has been a part of Westfield for many years. Troop 201 goes all the way back to when it was Troop 1 in
the 1970's.
We enjoy participating in our local Memorial Day and Fourth of July parades (pictured at the left is a Fourth of July
parade from years past). The Troop has also in the past been on numerous canoe trips, two white-water rafting trips
and attended summer camp on a regular basis. The Troop also had the priviledge of taking the FIRST ever tour of the
FBI Center in West Virginia.
Other things that we have participated in are things such as the annual "Bowl-a-thon," annual popcorn sale, Scouting
For Food, Summer Camp at Camp Merz, Klondike Derby, Fall Camporees, winter camping and numerous weekend camping trips.
Some of the special trips that we have been on include the FBI Center as mentioned before, West Point Military Academy,
annual Calumet camporees and Dayton Airforce Base.